As companies strive to build a competitive advantage in a constantly and rapidly changing world, they need their leaders to:
Re-imagine the company’s place in the world
Lead the organisation to live up to an ambitious vision.
As an executive leader you are called to:
Challenge every aspect of your company: its purpose, its business model, its operating model, its people, and yourself
Work together with your peers to shape the organisation’s future areas of the organisation.
Leverage external changes and maximise ideas emerging from all
If you want to gain mastery in leading the future of your organisation and would like to explore how we can work together…

Building a great team takes great leadership. Great leaders can juggle competing demands and confidently motivate their teams, effectively navigate the organisation whilst remaining focused and centred. Knowing each person on your team and how to best bring together their strengths and competencies ensures their sustainable performance.
If you want to improve your team’s performance because .... the number of people on your team has been reduced and you’re.expected to produce the same or better results
your team has lost focus and direction in the face of a constantly changing environment
you are having to deal with greater complexity as your team gets more diverse, dispersed and digital
Schedule a meeting with Naomi and find out how you can exponentially increase the results of your team.
«Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.»
To be a great leader, you need to start by leading yourself. The next level on your leadership journey requires you to reinvent yourself.
If you...
are looking for new ideas and insights to impact who you are and how you show up as a leader
want to know how to get out of your own way
want to access new ways of communicating that empower you and others
want to have greater presence, confidence and ease
find yourself “stuck”, and you want to reach beyond your current mindset
creating ongoing balance in a dynamic world is important to you.
Schedule a meeting with Naomi to take your next step.

Vision Focused Leading
Vision Focused Leading is a framework in which you can explore different aspects of leadership in action.
It draws on tools and concepts from neuroscience, ontology and positive psychology.
It supports you to reflect and gain awareness of your strengths and insights into the capabilities you need to develop as you create your unique way of leading.
As you use the framework you discover how to navigate and respond to the unexpected, finding new opportunities to forward your goals. You expand your thinking and build confidence in fulfilling your vision.
What can you expect from Coaching using Vision Focused Leading?
Each engagement is tailored to the unique requirements of the individual. You will discover and build on the aspects of leadership that you are strong in and develop the aspects of leadership that will have you excel.
The first step is to book an exploratory call.